Do Mum Plants Produce Seeds That You Can Replant the Next Year and Grow?

Tips & Techniques

Betterdays in Total Swing

Chrysanthemums: The Ultimate Guide to Growing Beautiful Mums


It seems equally soon every bit the air cools, signaling the coming of fall, garden centers begin showcasing full mounds of bright red, yellow, and violet flowers. Chrysanthemums, or mums, are a staple in fall gardens. Mums are a national symbol of fall abundance, and this herbaceous and hardy perennial is an easy addition to give a gorgeous pop of colour in your fall garden mural. With a lilliputian understanding and a few simple tips, yous can accept a lush, beautiful autumn chrysanthemum garden display to help celebrate the changing of seasons.

  • What are Chrysanthemum?
  • Types of Chrysanthemum
  • Steps to Planting Chrysanthemums
  • Caring for Chrysanthemums
  • Chrysanthemum FAQs

What Are Chrysanthemum?

Chrysanthemum are a member of the Compositae family and are available in a wide range of bright colors, shapes and sizes. First cultivated in China over 6 centuries ago, this type of daisy was initially grown as an herb associated with the power of life. The chrysanthemum flowers range from dazzling whites to deep bronzes, and the hardy plants are highlighted with full, dark green leaves.

Chrysanthemum flowers look like they have a multitude of petals, only each private petal is actually a small-scale floret. There are two different types of florets: ray and disc florets. Ray florets are what nosotros traditionally run into every bit the petals, while the disc florets create the centre buttons. When the florets are all amassed together, they give us what nosotros know and love every bit a mum flower.

Growing Chrysanthemum 02

Types of Chrysanthemum

With over 100 different chrysanthemum cultivars in the United States, the National Chrysanthemum Society has a classification organisation in place to categorize 13 different mums by blossom shape.

  • Anemone
    These daisy-like blooms characteristic long, tubular florets clustered effectually a tight button heart. They form a 4-inch bloom in single or multiple colors.
    Popular varieties include: Dorothy Mechum, Regal Light and Angel
  • Decorative
    Florists use decorative form mums in floral arrangements. The 5-inch plus blooms have a flat appearance every bit the florets gradually become longer from the heart out.
    Popular varieties include: Fireflash, Coral Amuse and Honeyglow
  • Irregular Incurve
    Incurve blooms feature florets curving inwards. Irregular incurve mums feature large blooms between 6 to 8 inches. The florets curve in and cover the middle of the bloom. A few florets at the bottom of the blossom add fringe to the stalk.
    Popular varieties include: Luxor, Blushing Helpmate and River Urban center
  • Intermediate Incurve
    The florets of an intermediate incurve mum don't embrace the center of the bloom. With shorter florets curving inwards, the less-meaty blossom of an intermediate incurve only reaches a maximum vi inches.
    Popular varieties include: Apricot Alexis, Candid and Pat Lawson
  • Regular Incurve
    Regular incurve chrysanthemum blossoms are tight, smoothen globes of inwardly curving florets. Each bloom is between 4 to vi inches in bore.
    Popular varieties include: Gillette, Moira and Heather James
  • Pompom
    Resembling the regular incurve, Pompom mums are only one to 4 inches. The tight blooms are common in floral arrangements.
    Pop varieties include: Rocky, Yoko Ono and Lavander Pixie
  • Quilled
    Show-stopping quilled chrysanthemums feature long, tubular florets that open up to a spoon shape or slight downward bend at the end. Their spiky appearance often mimics other types of mums.
    Popular varieties include: Seatons Toffee, Mammoth Yellow Quill and Muted Sunshine
  • Single and Semi-Double
    These daisy await-a-likes feature one or two rounds of ray florets around a compact middle. Their full plant size is betwixt 1 to 3 feet, making them ideal for small spaces and borders.
    Popular varieties include: Rage, Icy Island and Ruby Celebrity
  • Spider
    Spider mums are well known for their long, spiky florets of single or multiple colors. The tubular florets resemble spider legs and can get in all directions. The delicate and exotic appearance creates a focal blossom in your garden.
    Popular varieties include: Evening Glow, Symphony and Western Voodoo
  • Spoon
    Spoon mums have a push button center surrounded past ray florets featuring a spoon shape at each tip. They are often mistaken for unmarried chrysanthemums, merely the divergence lays in the slight curve.
    Popular varieties include: Kimie, Fantasy and Redwing
  • Reflex
    The flower of a reflex mum is slightly flat with florets that curve down. The crossing of the florets produces an interesting plume-like appearance.
    Popular varieties include: White City, Champion and Apricot
  • Thistle
    The thistle bloom, too called the bush bloom, oft features multi-colored blooms. The long, thin florets twist to rise up or fall backwards towards the stalk. Thistle blooms have a unique, exotic look to them.
    Popular varieties include: Cindy, Cisco and Orange Spray
  • Unclassified
    With so many chrysanthemum varieties, many chrysanthemum blooms feature characteristics that place them in more than one category. Unclassified mums exhibit a broad range of colors and sizes.
    Popular varieties include: Alone Star, Lili Gallon and Pacificum

Steps to Planting Chrysanthemums

Yous may exist request yourself how to grow chrysanthemums to fill up your garden landscape as rapidly as possible. Taking the time to first empathise how to institute chrysanthemums rewards you with full, cute plants loaded with blooms.

  1. When to Plant Chrysanthemums?
    Planting chrysanthemum in the spring gives the perennial establish time to institute and arrange to its new garden abode. You'll easily observe mums in garden centers and nurseries in both autumn and bound, but planning ahead is key to successful planting. Information technology's tempting to buy those huge beautiful fall mums you lot meet during the fall flavour, but in terms of longevity, the smaller spring mums are actually a better investment.The root system becomes stronger throughout the summer and fall, which increases a plant'southward ability to survive the winter. Planting in the spring will too event in a bigger blossom the following season. Although some autumn mums can survive winter if planted immediately, the odds are much meliorate with bound-planted mums.
  2. How Hardy Are Chrysanthemums?
    The chrysanthemums you buy in garden centers are frequently referred to equally "hardy mums" for a reason. The majority of mum varieties are wintertime hardy in Zones 5 through 9. Some varieties, such every bit Mammoth Daisy, are hardy down to Zone 3.When shopping for mums, cheque the label to make sure you're purchasing hardy garden varieties appropriate for your planting zone. Local nurseries and garden centers volition virtually ofttimes characteristic the varieties that are specific to local areas. Avoid purchasing from floral shops – their mums are different, less hardy floral varieties.
  3. What is the All-time Soil for Mums?
    Chrysanthemums tin can survive in most soils, just they thrive in well-draining soil with consistent moisture. Growing mums in difficult, dry soil prevents the roots from becoming well established, while wet, boggy soil drowns the roots. Finding the centre basis is key.If y'all've planted other perennials, then you already know how to constitute chrysanthemum. To create a good soil for your mums, work your soil to a depth of 8 to 12 inches. Mix in 2 to 4 inches of organic fabric, such as compost or peat moss. The perfect soil texture tin can be tested by taking a handful and squeezing. When you open your paw, the soil shouldn't dodder or apace fall autonomously. It should only crumble.
  4. How Much Sunlight Exercise Mums Require?
    Chrysanthemums are sunday-loving plants. Although they technically require only 6 hours of sunlight each day, the more light they receive, the ameliorate their growth, blossom and hardiness. Slight shade in hot, summer afternoons is appropriate in warmer gardening zones to prevent scorching.Mums blossom due to their photoperiodic nature. When the plant senses a change in the length of darkness in tardily summer, it begins to fix buds. Planting well-nigh artificial lights, such as security lights or porch lights, can modify the flower time of your mums.
  5. Does Spacing Really Matter?
    Information technology tin can be tempting to plant mums closely together. Smaller, spring mums don't seem to make full out a garden infinite also. However, go on in listen that by autumn, most properly planted mums will reach upwardly to 3 anxiety in pinnacle and width. Like many perennials, mums volition often become larger each year. Even if your flower bed looks a flake bare when you first plant your mums, in fourth dimension it volition fill up in.Spacing mums properly is essential for plant health. Plants that are besides crowded compete for nutrients, take root system bug, concenter pests and suffer from affliction. Post-obit the plant spacing directions for your chrysanthemum variety increases the health of your garden and protects your investment of time and money.

Caring for Chrysanthemums

Mums are generally considered low maintenance plants. Knowing how to care for chrysanthemums properly simply requires basic gardening techniques. With only a footling special chrysanthemum intendance, your garden will be filled with a multitude of beautiful blooms.

  • How Often Should Mums Exist Watered?
    Mums crave even moisture for the best growth. Consistent watering throughout the spring, summer and fall is essential. In one case the ground is frozen in the winter, watering can be suspended until bound warms the soil.Early on morning watering, to a depth of 6 to 8 inches, is recommended. The ideal watering method for mums is one that applies wet directly to the base of the plants. This prevents moisture from becoming trapped in the thick foliage. Soaker hoses can provide even, consistent moisture directly to the ground, and a water timer saves yous the hassle of having to remember to manually water.
  • Should Chrysanthemums Exist Pruned?
    Don't worry most how to clip chrysanthemums. Mums aren't exactly "pruned," simply are instead pinched throughout the growing season. This helps the plant co-operative out, become fuller and offer more blooms. When your plant reaches 6 inches tall in the bound, simply pinch off 1 inch of each shoot. Repeat this every 2 to 3 weeks until early summertime.Deadhead spent blooms throughout the fall for an extended flower time. In one case the plant has died in the wintertime, resist cutting it back. Research reveals that allowing information technology to die back naturally over the winter produces a stronger plant. Simply make clean up the dead stems and foliage in the jump.
  • Is Fertilizer Necessary for Mums?
    All plants require nutrients. Fertilizing your mums gives them an added boost of essential nutrients for the all-time growth. The primary growth of chrysanthemum constitute varieties takes identify in spring and early summertime. Growing chrysanthemums are heavy feeders. Consequent applications of quality fertilizers will help your mums grow larger and produce more blooms.Cull a counterbalanced, water-soluble fertilizer for monthly application from early on spring through July. If you lot plant fall mums, wait to begin their fertilization until the bound. Fall fertilization tin can actually reduce the hardiness of chrysanthemums to survive cold winters.
  • How Can You Increment Winter Hardiness?
    The fundamental to wintertime survival is a consistent soil temperature. Frequent freezing and thawing cycles damage the roots and confuse the plant. Adding a thick layer of mulch – upward to 4 inches – tin can aid maintain an even soil temperature throughout wintertime.Spread mulch under your mums as soon equally the surface of your soil begins to harden and the thermostat begins to dip into the 20s. Using a loose mulch, similar straw, can reduce compaction and increment the insulation of the ground.
  • Can Chrysanthemums Exist Divided?
    Like many other perennials, chrysanthemum benefit from dividing every 3 to four years. You may observe your mums begin to wait thin in the centers and oddly shaped. Over time, the center roots of the plant may get old and woody, while the outside roots are younger and healthier. If you notice your mums no longer grow full and round, they may only demand to be divided.Leap is the best time to divide your mums. Gently remove the found from the ground and pause information technology upwards into smaller sections. You can discard the woody center of the institute, since it won't perform as well equally the younger, outer sections. Replant in garden soil rich with organic matter.

Chrysanthemum FAQs

Can Yous Grow Chrysanthemum from Seeds?

Although about mums are purchased from garden centers as already-established plants or propagated from cuttings and sectionalization, you lot tin can grow chrysanthemums from seed. Information technology can be a flake of an adventure, considering many chrysanthemum seeds practise non stay true to the parent constitute. This means you lot can end up with a wide variety of flower colors and sizes.

Mums accept a long growing flavor. Growing chrysanthemums from seeds requires planning in areas with short growing seasons. Start the seeds indoors 6 to eight weeks prior to the last frost date. Transfer to the garden when the chrysanthemum seedlings are 6 to 8 inches tall. Expect to meet blooms the showtime twelvemonth after planting.

Tin can You Grow Chrysanthemum in Pots?

Growing chrysanthemums in pots is a perfect garden solution for apartments and pocket-sized gardens. Most garden mums abound to 2 to three anxiety in size and require at least a 12-inch container for the best support. Rich potting soil with adept drainage is essential.

To encourage root growth, h2o container mums from the bottom of the container. Add together a water-soluble fertilizer on a weekly footing. Because mums require the proper sunlight to set blooms, placing your plant in a south-facing window and away from artificial light produces the best results. Storing in a protected garage during the winter months tin help your found rest for new spring growth.

How Long Does It Accept for Mums to Abound?

The chrysanthemum growing rate depends on many variables. Dissimilar varieties feature different growth rates and mature size. Plants grown from seed may have several years to accomplish their full growth potential. Mums grown from already-established garden middle plants and division have a head-first on the growing flavor. Taking proper care of mums through watering, fertilizing and pinching increases the fullness and growth capabilities of the plant.

How Long Do Mums Final After They Bloom?

Although we generally recollect of fall as being chrysanthemum season, there are actually three different types of blooming mums: early on bloomers, early autumn bloomers and late fall bloomers. Early bloomers oftentimes begin flowering in late July, early on fall bloomers evidence off blooms in September and late fall bloomers start their stunning display of colors in October. Each variety differs, but most mums will go along to bloom for iv to eight weeks.

In that location are many ways to extend the flowering of chrysanthemums. Deadheading spent blooms, fertilizing in the spring and avoiding overcrowding will help your mums produce more blooms over a longer flow of time.


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